SHORT : ShapeShifter HardFile Size : 1.02Mb Compressed (.lha) - 1.54Mb Uncompressed Uploaded By : Simon McGill Uploaded On : 2nd, May. 1995. Developement : Please note, I have no connection with the developement of ShapeShifter, that programing & genius belongs to; Cristian Bauer Discription : SSBootFile is a "HardFile" for the software only Mac emulator for the Amiga computer, ShapeShifter2. The emulator itself can be downloaded from AmiNET mirrors misc/emu/ShapeShift2_0.lha (134k). With this HardFile, which only contains the freely distributable System 7.0.1 files & some Mac PD, you will be able to boot into a System7 desktop and have a play around ;) Requirements : An Amiga capable of running ShapShifter2 (see prog. docs) A Hard Drive with Aprox. 3Mb free space - for SS & HardFile. A compatible Mac ROM (see prog. docs also) Installation : Install ShapeShifter acording to the program docs, and then select this (uncompressed) file as the "FileDrive 1" under the Devices/Disks prefs button - that's it...:) *NB* : I'm running in PAL:HiRes Interlace 640x512, you may find that the windows appear in strange places if you run in a different mode. Though this is nothing a bit of playing around won't sort. Special Note : Have Fun ;) !!!!!!